Monday, August 30, 2010

What Does Courage Dictate You Do?

A few years ago people started popping up with these bands and necklaces that asked the question WWJD or What Would Jesus Do in an effort to be more Christ like. I certainly thought it provided a good litmus test for our actions but was a little too abstract for me. It seemed much easier for me to ask myself what would love say do? In my mind I had a clear idea of what it meant to love but when I begin to think that I know what someone else would do I get a little cloudy.

My aim is to act loving. Others don't always perceive the love because even love can sometimes seem harsh. Times have changed so much our homes can often be out of balance if we don't have both male and female energy present. As a result I think that we, especially women, tend to coddle their children so much that they are cheated out of some growth experiences. If they don't get the lesson at home it is necessary that they get it somewhere. Often the most loving thing a person can do is tell the truth no matter how daunting that truth may be.

After doing the blog I wrote yesterday about clockworks and how things come together as they should I started thinking about some of the choices I've made and asked myself when it was I was stretching to my highest and best? There have been numerous times that I've stretched and acted from courage. There are also times I acted from fear. Did courage require an outside push, mine did not but as I recall when I acted from fear I sought counsel to tell me what I was doing was ok. Hmmm. . .

Today, this morning I thought that I should modify myself talk to include what would courage dictate I do? Faith isn't blind it's visionary but it requires courage. You have to have faith to be courageous because courage requires presence of mind. Fear if given entry festers and grows and can eventually permeate your thought system. Hence the admonishment by Roosevelt who said the only thing to fear is fear itself.

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