Monday, May 17, 2010

Book of Sandra ~ Say Yes

A question has a tangible feel, just like a yes or no does. I feel an answer often before I ask the question. I fancy myself as somewhat intuitive, even took classes and have read books for develop and hone the skills necessary to develop the ability. It's really a thrill when I hear spirit speak or when the air gets pregnant like something important is about to happen. I can tap into someone's energy and feel their thoughts or have seen impressions that tell me what direction to take. I have often been tapped to answer someone's prayer, that could be as simple as telling someone help is on the way. As wonderful as that maybe at times it can be a curse as well.

The problem is that I can feel a person's ambiguity and react to what they feel rather than to what they say. To me it seems that my personal integrity is stake if I knowingly push a person to do something that I think is against their will.

I can't tell you how often I've done things that were the opposite of what I thought or felt in my heart. I have purchased cars against my better judgment, gone out on dates, and done countless other things that went against my better judgment and been blessed beyond my wildest expectations. Could you see turning down clients not because of what they say but because of what they think or what you think they think?

Stay in your own head

What you think is none of my business. I am constantly put in position where if I want to grow I have to do things that I would normally not do. Growth happens just outside of my comfort zone. I can't grow by doing only the things that are familiar or comfortable. My impression of what you are thinking, your hesitation, may be dead on but that should not be my concern. I have to let you do you and I do me.

The Flow

I can't tell you how often I pray for something and it happens so fast it just can't be right. When I am in the flow things just happen to which I have to say yes. Today might be the day that someone is supposes to say yes to you, but them giving you consent or the "go ahead" requires that you ask the question. If you don't ask nothing happens, you abort our own possibilities by not asking or blocking the flow.

Sometimes all you really have to do is say yes to the process. Anything is possible.

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