Sandy Hook Elementary School
Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
When 20 beautiful children stormed through Heaven's gate.
Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
They were filled with such joy; they didn't know what to say.
They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"Where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"This is heaven" declared a small boy. "We're spending Christmas at God's
When what to their wondering eyes did appear,
But Jesus, their Savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
Then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
And in that moment was joy, that only Heaven can bring
Those children all flew into the arms of their King.
And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
One small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
And as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of Mom and Dad."
Then He looked down on Earth, at the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe.
Then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!
May this country be delivered from the hands of fools
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools! "
Then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"Come now my children let me show you around. "
Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"In the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."
~Author Unknown
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Muslim Envy
A friend of mine is Muslim. She's amazing not only is she fun, she's busy doing and contributing in ways most people only talk about adding significance and substance to the world. She's always covered, head to toe even on the days when the temperature is pushing 100 degrees. Not once have I heard her comment or complain when the rest of us are griping about the heat we claim we love.
I'm always amazed at the numbers of male friends that she has in spite of her being covered and their seeming devotion to her. She's that woman who can literally just look over her shoulder and know someone is standing in wait to assist her. Her temper is lightening fast but so too is her smile.
While I start my day seated in meditation and prayer rarely do I intentionally break away from something to go pray. I do turn consciously in my mind to ask for guidance, send blessings and I stay in a constant state of listening that I'll call being open to hear the Voice of God but rarely does it require me to physically break away.
12 years ago I hosted an exchange professional from Ghana. He is Catholic and highly ritualized in his worship. When he first came to live in my home he was eager to join me in my morning devotion time. While we worship under differently denominations, I know there is only one power, one presence that some of us call God. It matters little to me what name you use, what sex you think She is I choose not to get caught up in those trivial details. I am and have always been unconditionally open to however God shows up.
A few weeks into his 3 month stay I started to get uncomfortable with his "joining" me in prayer. Praying together seemed to create an intimate bond with him and I had no intention of being intimately connected. I know that sounds strange, this man was afterall living in my house but in my mind he was a house guest not a house mate. This praying stuff was getting us too close for comfort.
He seemed both shocked and slightly offended when I told he we could no longer pray together. I am a single woman and had no frame of reference for the intimacy that seemed to grow out of that hour, it had to end.
This memory was triggered a few days ago when my friend needed to make Salat. I asked to stay and be apart of the prayer when her and one of her Muslim brothers made prayer.
Jesus said with two or more are gathered in my name there am I also. When we started to pray I felt that all too familiar shift that seems to open up a vortex of energy sometimes when I pray in a group. My prayer time is good when I'm alone but when I join with others I can feel the amplification of that joined intention. That energized pregnancy that seems to open up when the veil has been lifted. In that moment I understood that intimacy I felt many years before with my house guest and I also understood the relationship my friend has with the men she prays with.
In that small moment of time I understood and developed a new respect for the ritual. I felt envious of the intimacy and potential it carried. While I pray often with others it's not 5 times a day and asking someone to come join me in prayer seems awkward, hookey and in some cases manipulative. Many of us try to create some elaborate prayer that address all our perceived needs and will stir some type of emotion. While emotions seem to infuse our prayers with power as I listened to them pray I had no clue what was being said. In spite of that and maybe because of it the devotion of it touched me so deeply, so sweetly that I am forever changed.
I am honored to be on my path, one that is open to God however God shows up. By keeping an open mind I hear deep within my own soul whenever and wherever God chooses to speak to and through me.
Peace & Blessings 2u!
I'm always amazed at the numbers of male friends that she has in spite of her being covered and their seeming devotion to her. She's that woman who can literally just look over her shoulder and know someone is standing in wait to assist her. Her temper is lightening fast but so too is her smile.
While I start my day seated in meditation and prayer rarely do I intentionally break away from something to go pray. I do turn consciously in my mind to ask for guidance, send blessings and I stay in a constant state of listening that I'll call being open to hear the Voice of God but rarely does it require me to physically break away.
12 years ago I hosted an exchange professional from Ghana. He is Catholic and highly ritualized in his worship. When he first came to live in my home he was eager to join me in my morning devotion time. While we worship under differently denominations, I know there is only one power, one presence that some of us call God. It matters little to me what name you use, what sex you think She is I choose not to get caught up in those trivial details. I am and have always been unconditionally open to however God shows up.
A few weeks into his 3 month stay I started to get uncomfortable with his "joining" me in prayer. Praying together seemed to create an intimate bond with him and I had no intention of being intimately connected. I know that sounds strange, this man was afterall living in my house but in my mind he was a house guest not a house mate. This praying stuff was getting us too close for comfort.
He seemed both shocked and slightly offended when I told he we could no longer pray together. I am a single woman and had no frame of reference for the intimacy that seemed to grow out of that hour, it had to end.
This memory was triggered a few days ago when my friend needed to make Salat. I asked to stay and be apart of the prayer when her and one of her Muslim brothers made prayer.
Jesus said with two or more are gathered in my name there am I also. When we started to pray I felt that all too familiar shift that seems to open up a vortex of energy sometimes when I pray in a group. My prayer time is good when I'm alone but when I join with others I can feel the amplification of that joined intention. That energized pregnancy that seems to open up when the veil has been lifted. In that moment I understood that intimacy I felt many years before with my house guest and I also understood the relationship my friend has with the men she prays with.
In that small moment of time I understood and developed a new respect for the ritual. I felt envious of the intimacy and potential it carried. While I pray often with others it's not 5 times a day and asking someone to come join me in prayer seems awkward, hookey and in some cases manipulative. Many of us try to create some elaborate prayer that address all our perceived needs and will stir some type of emotion. While emotions seem to infuse our prayers with power as I listened to them pray I had no clue what was being said. In spite of that and maybe because of it the devotion of it touched me so deeply, so sweetly that I am forever changed.
I am honored to be on my path, one that is open to God however God shows up. By keeping an open mind I hear deep within my own soul whenever and wherever God chooses to speak to and through me.
Peace & Blessings 2u!
A Special Relationship
Am I Ready?
I thought I’d matured, I thought that if I was approached by
my beloved today I’d be emotionally ready to receive him. Today I’m not so sure. If you’ve been listening you’ve heard me say
that I was waiting on my “ME” or Mental Equivalent. Rarely do I meet men who are spiritual in the
same ways that I am, able to converse, relate or even be interested in the areas
I find fascinating. I meet men who are
religious and not spiritual. I’ve
settled for less thinking that if I am the person that I think I am I can get
them to at least be supportive of my path.

Romantic, or as we call them in the ACIM community Special
Relationships are difficult enough without making them totally focused on the
body and bodily pleasures. I often tweet
about men who desire a beautiful woman with a sexy body but do nothing to take
care of their own body. They operate as
if all they have to do is toss money her way.
Friends often say their 1st marriage was for love but the 2nd or 3rd marriages would be for money, security and stability. I’ve never been married due largely to not wanting to settle for something I knew wouldn't last.
Friends often say their 1st marriage was for love but the 2nd or 3rd marriages would be for money, security and stability. I’ve never been married due largely to not wanting to settle for something I knew wouldn't last.
My high school sweetheart recently found me on youtube and
sent me a message he lives in Florida.
He had asked me to marry him while he was still enlisted and I
immediately said yes. I was thrilled at
the prospect of being married to a guy I loved.
Shortly after our engagement I started getting these excruciating
headaches that would get worse when he called.
I remember the day I broke off the engagement my head was pounding so
hard I thought it would split open. When I picked up the
phone that day head pounding I simply said I can’t do this. Do what he asked? Marry you.
It felt as if a weight had suddenly been lifted off me almost immediately.
Ironically, as I was writing that a familiar horn blew. The second guy that asked me to marry him
works at the fire station a few blocks from my house. He had a plan even before he asked me to
marry him he started straightening his life up.
He landed a job as a fireman, took me house hunting and was laying the
foundation for his proposal. I wish I
had told him no when I got the inkling that it was coming. The ride home for the restaurant was
torture. For all the years he’s been a
firefighter he has never changed stations and still drives past my house and
blows that familiar horn.
The guys that proposed to me have been really good guys who still
adore me but I never felt the yes. I love
them too but still didn’t feel the knowing that I get when something is
right. I am honored by the gentle love
we still have for one another and cherish the richness of the friendships we share.
Recently I met someone who gave me pause. I felt nervous and a bit unsure as we
talked. His approach seemed the same as most;
noncommittal. Birthing anything requires
commitment and space. I saw a documentary
once of an egg being fertilized.
Millions of sperms raced towards the egg bouncing up against the
membrane trying to get in. Once a sperm
penetrates the egg a hormone is released that kills all the other sperm still
fighting to get in.
I think I'll know when it's for right now as well as when its right. When it is right I think it will be like the natural fertilization
process, all else will fall away and we’ll enter into that alchemical space of
gestation that happens just before a new birth.
Blessings 2u!
Blessings 2u!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Internet Radio Show May 20th
Hey I really have to start blogging more, since I've been working on my book so I'm not quite sure how to separate blog post from book stuff. Tonight I'll be on an internet radio show on just go to the site and listen in. Real laid back tonight but I'll start doing this on a weekly basis. Hope to chat with you there. Oh download or tweet with us using #acimsb see you there.
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