Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Now what?

I use to have it all together or so I thought. I one of those who's pretty clear about what gives me joy. I love to speak publicly. I've been in front of audiences big and small, loved that. Sat alone in a booth talking into a mic for 12 years it went out over the radio airways, loved that. I did a lot of writing in the past too, loved that too. I suppose I just love communicating. It helps me sort out what I think. I hope that sounds good to you because its not quite true or truly what I believe. I actually believe that I'm a channel through which information flows.

Honestly, its a bit scary for me to make that admission. I know how others have a tendency to judge the things that don't understand or believe. It causes some to listen more closely and others to disregard whatever else I may say. So there its out. I said it. Now what?

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